Sunday, September 16, 2007

Okay Funny Story

so....if u read my last entry u may remember that i said i was going to bicycle to trader joe's.
well. i did. but it took me FOREVER because i literally rode about 40 or 50 blocks out of the way! u see, i knew that trader joe's was only supposed to be about 3 miles from my apt, but i don't really know how quickly 3 miles go by on a bike....especially when u have to wait for traffic signals and such. so when i didn't see the street i was looking for i just kept going...and going....and going. eventually i asked a man on the sidewalk for directions but he had never heard of traders and he didn't know where the street i was looking for was. (it's called lincoln). there are only 3 trader joes in chicago. if u look on the trader joe's website there are SO many in cali and not very many on this side of the united states. anyway, so across the street there was a man who saw me asking for directions with no luck and he called to me. he was sitting on the curb smoking a cigarette. i heard him say "directions" along with whatever else so i went to see him and he asked me where i was headed. when i said lincoln he told me i was 20 or 25 blocks past it! haha. he was a nice man. i asked his name. it is frank. i said thank and he said, "take care shannon." as i turned around and rode past him again on the opposite side of the street, he called to me again saying bye so i turned my head to wave but i realize now that is a very dangerous thing to do....turn my head around while riding on a street.

eventually i reached my destination...very exhausted but happy. turns out i know the street i was looking for the whole time. i mean....the old town school of folk music is on lincoln...basically i was acting brain coma-ish or something. when i got there, i forgot why i had originally i wandered around for a bit until my memory returned.

i get so much joy out of riding around the city. and a bit of quad soreness. shoot man, bicycle riding....i like it. wanna ride bikes with me?

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