Saturday, June 9, 2007

Pick Me Up Tomorrow

okay. are u ready to hear a one liner or what? i think u are.

let's set this up. picture shannon. (that's me) standing on the sidewalk by state waiting for my dahhdy to pick me up after class. i have been temporarily working at the same company he does so we car pool. it's been really fun working with poppa and carpooling. we get to be goofy and such. and just spend some time together. i have appreciated it. BUT THAT IS NOT PART OF THE STORY. let's get back to that.

so i'm standing in the shade minding my own business...greeting ppl as they walk past. then, two men walk by. they say hello and smile and i smile a hello back. one of the guys then says, "it's hot eh?" and i said, "yea, a little bit." then as they walked past me he turned around and practically yelled, "YEA YOU ARRRRE!" to which i replied in a short chuckle and an "oh geez."

later i met a homeless man. quite frankly i couldnt understand half the fourths of the words he mumbled. i did catch, "chips" and "stay in the shade." imagine what it must be like to not be able to get ur words across. he didn't seem mad or frustrated. i just talked to him best i could.

my sister is on the phone right now and she just said, "u need a BOY to go to the drive-ins" haha. ha.

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