Sunday, October 28, 2007

Oh and PS

i had the opportunity to see my people perform in chicago. the Danish Gymnastics team came to campus friday. i was able to attend a workshop during friday day that they put on for the exercise and sport department. due to a lack of communication, we were unaware we needed to wear workout clothes so we proceeded to do all these interesting warmup exercises in our street clothing...which for some included a sweater dress and me jeans and a long shirt dress thing not suitable for moving around in really. they did a lot of partner game type warmups which made everyone feel very silly. it was fun though....good ice breaker. later that night they did an hour and a half show. the performance at night was splendid as well. the women danced with ropes and hula hoops and did lyrical modernish dancing....with some hip hoppy moves as well. the men did a lot of jump tumbling (lots of high flips) and they did this crazy dancing, tumbling skit thing as well, along with a number that invloved them in little exercise shorts doing exercises that were used in denmark in the 60's. funny stuff. gymnastics in denmark is a big part of everyday life....children to the elderly participate in it.

and so, it's settled. i'm moving to denmark to join the gymnastics team. afterall....they are my people. hahaha. :0)

1 comment:

aurora bender said...

hej. i might just have to go with you. not join the gymnastics team but at least put all my new dansk to use.