Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Cardio Kick

dear cardio kick,
i love the way u make my muscles burn and my back sore. please be my friend forever. when i thrust that upper cut into the hand puncher things understand that i am letting u know i am serious about our relationship. it is not one to be toyed with. cardio kick do not be jealous when i take other fitness classes and use other equipment. i am merely attempting to strengthen myself for our next rendevous. oh cardo kick, u are a gem.
love, shannon

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Oh Blustery Day

temperatures below 0 degrees. crazy wind chill factor. the result.

oh and yes trina. i am ninja.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

DoVe SaYs

"ur presence is often the best present."

-love, DOVE

Saturday, January 5, 2008

HaPpY jAnUaRy!

happy january folks!

i hope u are excited for this new year. it's true what the "adults" always used to say. time really does fly. and it keeps on flying and flying and flying and flying.

i am hopeful for things to come this year. i have found that the pursuit of scary things are some of the only pursuits worth pursuing.

here's to 12 more months of breath.